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Consulting Partners.

We’re delighted to introduce you to the Consulting Partners at Fertility Consultancy. We all have many years of experience working within the field of fertility treatments and services. Below highlights each consultant’s key specialisations. Full BIOS are available by clicking Read More. In addition to us all having a deep understanding and knowledge of the fertility industry, we are all competent in planning and managing projects. We’re highly skilled in stakeholder and risk management, adept at navigating complex challenges and can assist with a broad range of tasks and assignments. Through our global network, we are also well placed to offer assistance with recruitment.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to us for an informal dialogue about opportunities!

Giles Palmer

HCPC Clinical Scientist

  • Senior Clinical Embryologist (ESHRE certified).
  • Implementation of laboratory standards and clinic protocols.
  • Cleanroom technology, quality management for clinics & cryo-storage facilities.
  • Artificial Intelligence in ART.

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Christine Allen


  • Green-field laboratory and clinic start-ups
  • Quality management, assurance and control
  • US compliance (e.g. FDA and CLIA)
  • Cryopreservation & cryobanking of gametes

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Clare Goulty

BA (Hons), MBS, MBA

  • Communications and marketing planning and implementation
  • Content strategy, writing and launch of marketing campaigns
  • Patient experience optimisation
  • UK regulatory collaboration

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Peter Reeslev

MSc. Int. Business

  • Strategy plans and business development
  • Organisational development & recruitment
  • Company, clinic and laboratory establishments
  • Global regulatory overview of rules governing fertility treatments

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