Fertility Clinic Assessment
Unlock the full potential of your IVF clinic
Initiated and owned by Merck – developed in collaboration and implemented by Fertility Consultancy
Why IVF Pro?
Unlock the full potential of your IVF clinic with our IVF PRO assessment tool tailored to enhance performance across five crucial domains: clinical operations, clinical processes, lab operations, lab processes, and clinic management. We offer a comprehensive solution designed to streamline operations, maximize efficiency, and ultimately elevate success rates for both clinics and patients.
IVF Pro will help you to improve clinical operational effectiveness by providing:
- Efficient processes & operations – drive efficiency, minimize errors, and decrease the cost of delivery!
- Optimized IVF treatment results – drive high quality results and outcome improvements!
- Improved Patient Satisfaction – smoother delivery of service and improved outcomes!
- Enhanced Clinic reputation – Increased word of mouth referrals!
- Expand Clinic capacity – to meet the demand of increasing patient numbers!

IVF Pro?
Project Process

What are the major benefits of IVF Pro?
Data-driven Benchmarking & Analysis
Compare your clinic’s performance against industry standards, enabling you to set ambitious yet achievable targets and establishing corrective action plans to optimize patients’ journey, experience and success rates.
Improve Clinical & Laboratory Effectiveness
Our detailed assessment report will provide a deep dive into your clinic’s performance, highlighting areas of excellence and opportunities for enhancement having clear recommendations to achieve strategic improvements and harmonization among clinics and laboratories.
Empower Clinic Management & Decision Making
A holistic evaluation will help to overview the clinical operations, identify opportunities for clinical and laboratory improvements. Utilizing data analytics & KPIs to make informed decisions and drive ongoing improvement.
IVF Pro, Revolutionizing IVF clinics by streamlining operations and elevating outcomes through tailored assessments and solutions.